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Just in from Helen Brown and Mary Burgess. Just perfect for the summer. On exhibit through June 30th.

Summer Breeze by Helen Brown

Watercolor on rice paper mounted on canvas
12″ x 12″

“I love the texture and look of watercolor on rice paper.  In my paintings, I use a batik process where I apply a resist to the paper (molten wax) over previously applied colors that I really like. That preserves that color from any further glazing. The result is a luminous, transparent painting.” HB


Helen Brown is a former French language instructor turned artist. She teaches watercolor painting and is a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon. Helen has been the recipient of many awards for her watercolor landscape paintings, and many other subjects.


“Jubilee” by Mary Burgess


Watercolor 10″ x 10″, framed 20″ x 20″


Mary Burgess is a watercolor artist living and working in Oregon. After teaching High School Art classes she began her second career as a professional watercolor artist and painting instructor.




“My paintings are about joyful experiences. As a long time bird watcher, hiker and nature enthusiast, I love the challenge of capturing the essence of each little creature and enjoy painting each as a ‘portrait’. A bee and a butterfly are often the subject on my easel, and are captured through the spontaneity of the dynamic medium of watercolor.”  —Mary Burgess



 “Rose City Blossoms” by Mary Burgess

Watercolor on cradled panel

12″ x 12″ x 1.5″



“Mary Burgess is especially interested in the effect of light and shadow in her work.  Each painting is begun with a colorful wash which acts to provide unity in the paintings and masterful color shifts reflect the subtleties found in nature. The paint is glazed, one layer over another to achieve a rich and complex color palette.”


Mary Burgess  and Helen Brown, both well-known Oregon artists, are sisters.

Mary Burgess is married to woodturner Tom Willing, another Fairweather artist.

Mary Burgess and Tom Willing have a flock of four chickens.



Fairweather House and Gallery

612 Broadway

Seaside, Oregn

Open Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun 12-3:pm

Closed Tue and Wed

Moving forward our hours will remain limited until there is a convincing containment of the coronavirus.

The more we work together, the faster our community can begin to recover from this crisis.
Strategies that the gallery is implementing to adapt to changes and well being.
These are temporary practices aimed at keeping our community healthy.

Staying safe.

Read more about our gallery and our commitment to NW artists and products made by NW hands.

“Part curatorial, part installation Fairweather House and Gallery brings together artists’ works from a wide variety of genres and grouping them in seasonal spectrums.”

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